My RDB...

Today was a very pleasant day on early morning was coming by car and was feeling fresh and cool; well it’s an obvious thing which makes you feel good and fresh if you go early in a fresh air and feel like you’re flying by driving your car of 100MPH.
That fresh breeze was clicking on my hair and face while driving all roads were empty and the light was not so bright but the air was really too fresh to handle.
Reached office at 8:15am and started working on my daily basis consultation for my Industry.

Met Buyers through mails
Got a buyer from USA asking about Mens microfiber bathrobe and the MOQ was far better than the previous ones and got good communications with him. Sent that inquiry to my member and she got happy by finding a great potential buyer.

Social Media Stuffs
Had a busy day with Social Media activities and posted some great articles, images, quotations, contests, banners on different social sites of textile industry.

It’s been a great day of consultation and met some new competitors through social pages of towels and home products

Consultation at it's best...

Had a nice cool calm day with lots of fun as well. Just manage to find great inquiries and got great feedbacks as well from those potential buyers.

Social Media Works
On Social Media it's nice to see your page having likes, comments, and some kind of good community is making your page visible.

For making the page more visible on google search i have put new posts and images on some other groups of all categories related to industries.

From those posts go great feedback of members and new members arrived on my page which gave great boost and potential to my facebook page.

Interesting Inquiry
Had a nice interested inquiry today a person was asking for luxury towels manufacturers. Sent him catalogs and brochure of my industry and again he replied and asked for pricing after proving the FAQ in a quick session.

It's been a  great day regarding with inquiries and social point of views. 

Today's day was a good one with good results...

Hello all!

Today had a very nice quiet calm cool day with good arrivals on time and got fresh as well after having a cup of tea.

Went to outlook and got seven inquiries waiting for the catalogs and brochures. majority of them were looking for Mens Microfiber Bathrobe. So finally sent all images and brochures,

Social Media
Got three inquiries through facebook and got good responses and two inquiries were from India and one from Morocco.
Both were looking for Gloves and Blankets, but unfortunately one buyer got not interested due to the quotations which my memeber sent him today and seriously those pricing were really too high and the cost margin difference was $2.9 - $7.2 per kg of knitted fabric.

Also got good response from other iquiries asking for some more textile products supplier.

Comparing with last two days i believe this day made my day and was really nice to see good Potential buyers were looking for good products which made the member busy. 

Had a quiet day...

Hello all!
Today was a very drowsy day with a stinky hot weather not much breeze.
Reached office at 8:30am and started working on my daily basis consultation for my Industry.

Met Buyers through mails and through calls
Got a buyer from USA asking about Mens microfiber bathrobe and the MOQ was far better than the previous ones and got good communications with him. Sent that inquiry to my member and she got happy by finding a great potential buyer.

Social Media Stuffs
Had a busy day with Social Media activities and posted some great articles, images, quotations, contests, banners on different social sites of textile industry.
Posted News and Promotions on different groups of USA, UK, Australia, Pakistan, China, India etc.
Got great stats, comments, likes, responses and some inquiries from social pages.

It’s been a quiet day of consultation and didn’t meet good buyers through social pages of towels and home products.

My today’s routine work for textile B2B...

Hello all!
Today was a very pleasant day on early morning was coming by car and was feeling fresh and cool, well it’s an obvious thing which makes you feel good and fresh if you go early in a fresh air and feel like you’re flying by driving your car of 100MPH.

That fresh breeze was clicking on my hair and face while driving all roads were empty and the light was not so bright but the air was really too fresh to handle.
Reached office at 8:15am and started working on my daily basis consultation for my Industry.

Met Buyers through mails and through calls
Got a buyer from USA asking about Mens microfiber bathrobe and the MOQ was far better than the previous ones and got good communications with him. Sent that inquiry to my member and she got happy by finding a great potential buyer.

Social Media Stuffs
Had a busy day with Social Media activities and posted some great articles, images, quotations, contests, banners on different social sites of textile industry.
Got great stats, comments, likes, responses and some inquiries from social pages.

It’s been a great day of consultation and met some new competitors through social pages of towels and home products

My Business Consultation for my Member!

Business Consultancy is a good task and according to my daily routine consultancy with Luxury Towels Manufacturers, it’s been a great day with a great loop of Buyers arrived and chats with as well on phone and online.
Got responses from each pending buyer and new buyers by providing their requirements. Also generated extensive leads from different Social pages and B2B Portals.
Posted all images and content on all social media pages of my member’s industry and joined some new groups of textile. Posted new items and described some specifications into new groups of textile industry.

Social Media
Got good responses (likes, comments, shares and inquiries) through these activities. Had a great resulting day and got positive potential results by providing good buyers to the owner of the industry.

Follow Ups
Called some external and not responding buyers and got good response from some buyers. And through these follow ups got results by receiving buyer’s requirements by each product’s: size, weight, color, material, quality, quantity etc…

As per my today’s activities for my industry it’s been a great feeling because when you succeed you always feel brave and happy. So had a great process of finding buyers today. J

How can we make all Products Visible Online?

In Business to Business we always try to go beyond the boundaries by making our members products more visible in Online Market and different other B2B Portals.
According to the visibility Social Media is one of the biggest platform where you can visible and market your products easily.

Example: Suppose if your members are luxury towels manufacturers, then you’ll post relevant images and content of Towels and other Home textile products to attract buyers.
Social Platforms to make visibility of Products
By making your products visible and publicize it creates the customer and other buyers a big boost and to get full information and also gets required images for the product which he/she is looking for.
Through Social Pages and B2B Portals buyers easily find their desired products with ease.

Online marketing and branding is the main core source of Business Consultant, so join the world of Online Market and find your relevant desired buyers to make your deals in better ways.