My Business Consultation for my Member!

Business Consultancy is a good task and according to my daily routine consultancy with Luxury Towels Manufacturers, it’s been a great day with a great loop of Buyers arrived and chats with as well on phone and online.
Got responses from each pending buyer and new buyers by providing their requirements. Also generated extensive leads from different Social pages and B2B Portals.
Posted all images and content on all social media pages of my member’s industry and joined some new groups of textile. Posted new items and described some specifications into new groups of textile industry.

Social Media
Got good responses (likes, comments, shares and inquiries) through these activities. Had a great resulting day and got positive potential results by providing good buyers to the owner of the industry.

Follow Ups
Called some external and not responding buyers and got good response from some buyers. And through these follow ups got results by receiving buyer’s requirements by each product’s: size, weight, color, material, quality, quantity etc…

As per my today’s activities for my industry it’s been a great feeling because when you succeed you always feel brave and happy. So had a great process of finding buyers today. J


justin albert said...

Very good, informative piece. Smartly done as all the time.

PIC Grant 2014

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